Baruch Adonai LeOlam

(Blessed be the Lord forever, Psalm 89:52)

1. We affirm that God is One (echad), and here is no other than the one true God. In His infinite wisdom, He has chosen to manifest His presence simultaneously in the form of the Father, His only begotten son Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. We believe that all things were created in and through Jesus, and it is by His Word, as the Living Word made flesh, in which all things are sustained.

2. We affirm that there is no other way to the Father, no other way to obtain salvation, than through faith in Messiah Yeshua. Yeshua is the true Messiah, the one prophesied about throughout the entire Tanach (Old Testament). Yeshua was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father. Yeshua will come again in the future as a conquering King, where He will rule and reign forever.

3. We affirm that salvation is a free gift given by God by grace through faith in Yeshua the Messiah. Salvation is not earned through works or any specific form of Torah observance. Salvation is given freely to those who choose to fully make Yeshua the Lord of their life, putting His will ahead of their own, and demonstrating covenantal obedience through a life that bears fruit of repentance.

4. We affirm that the process of sanctification has been consistent throughout all time and has been portrayed consistently throughout all the books of the Bible. It is a lifelong process wherein the Holy Spirit, in combination with diligent study of the Scriptures, leads a believer to a life of covenantal obedience by keeping the Torah. We do not keep the Torah to earn salvation, but we obey the Torah out of love and obedience for the Most High. Thus, obedience and faith are intrinsically linked.

5. We affirm that all scripture is profitable and applicable to believers today. We believe that the Pentateuch (Torah) is the foundation of the entire Bible and that the Prophets and the Writings that comprise the remainder of Tanach (Old Testament) build upon the teachings in the Torah. We believe that the New Testament (Brit Chadashah), including the writings of Paul, further builds upon the foundations of the entire Tanach. We reject the idea that the New Testament supersedes or replaces the Old Testament. Likewise, we reject the notion that the New Testament replaces any covenants made with Israel. We reject the idea that God has created a new covenant with “the Church” as a separate entity that replaces Israel. Together, the Tanach and the New Testament make up the entirety of Scripture and prove to be sufficient for proper doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction for righteous living for the life of a believer.

6. We affirm that all 66 books in the modern Christian canon are Scripture. All 66 books are divinely inspired and have been preserved by God throughout the ages. We believe that these books are infallible. Any other writings outside the 66 books in the Christian Bible are not Scripture. This includes but is not limited to, the writings in the Apocrypha (such as 1-2 Maccabees), pseudepigrapha (such as 1 Enoch and Jubilees), the deuterocanonical books, and rabbinical writings (such as the Mishnah, Tosefta, Talmuds, Midrash, Targums, and all other rabbinic literature). We deny that any writings outside of the 66 books in the modern Christian canon have any authoritative claim on the life of a follower of Yeshua.

7. We affirm that Israel always has been and always will be God’s chosen people. Gentiles have been grafted into Israel through Messiah Yeshua and thereby granted citizenship, no longer considered gentiles but Children of God. All people, whether native-born Israelite or grafted in Gentile, must believe in Messiah Yeshua and live in covenantal obedience to be part of true Israel. There is no partiality with God.

8. We affirm that God has a single standard by which He desires all people to live and operate (“One Torah/One Law”), with no regard to ethnicity or heritage. God does not change: He has not changed His definition of Holy and unholy, clean and unclean, or sin and righteousness. He has defined these things in the Torah, and further explained (fulfilled) the Spirit of His instructions through the teachings of Messiah Yeshua. An example of the many ways this is practiced is through things such as eating biblically clean (no pork or shellfish), honoring the weekly Sabbath (keeping Shabbat), and celebrating the Biblical Feasts or “moedim.”

9. We affirm that God can and does exercise His ability to heal and perform miracles today, both for His people and those whom He has called to “taste and see that the Lord is Good.” We reject all forms of prohibited practices including, but not limited to, mysticism and Kabbalah.